Lowest-leakage all-aluminum air handling units with a 40-year casing warranty. SiteBilt® units are available for installation in tight, “inaccessible” spaces, ideal for replacement or retrofit applications.

Utility controllers for educational labs (schools, colleges, and universities), commercial kitchens, and boiler rooms. Panels incorporate pressure proving and BMS interface to provide the best safety assurance in the industry.

Electric actuators for dampers. Pressure-independent valves for chilled and hot water. Reheat valves for hot water coils. Characterized ¼ turn control valves. Sensors for HVAC applications.

Fiberglass pipe for condenser water, chilled water, heating hot water, or any application requiring corrosion-resistant piping.

Gilsulate 500 XR® controlled density insulation and corrosion protection product assures owners that the installed density and thermal properties are consistent, eliminating variability or “shorting” due to varying static backfill loads or insulation degradation.

Borosilicate glass drain and vent lines for acid waste applications. Same material as laboratory beakers for maximum corrosion resistance. Kimax can be reused or melted down for recycling.

Innovative aluminum damper products. Low leakage, unique bearings, all corrosion-resistant materials, robust construction. Heavy duty control and barometric dampers, wide profile dampers.

External heat tracing for commercial and industrial pipes and tanks.Steam heating products for high-temperature processes. Electronic controllers specifically designed for heat-tracing applications.

Heating and fresh air air-handling units. High level circulators to prevent stratification in large open areas. Integral face and bypass coils to prevent air stratification in air handling units.